Answers to Brain Teasers- Increase your IQ Day by Day

ANSWERS TO BRAIN TEASERS Try to solve these Optical Illusions, Puzzles, and Brain teasers to increase your IQ level. It will help you to solve the Quizzes for any Competitive Exams. Prof. Masood Sadiq Answer: 1 Eight total holes in the vest. Answer: 2 Only 3 can reverse to clear traffic.  Answer: 3 The word 'SPOT' is written twice in the pic Answer: 4 Look at the open holes toward F  Answer: 5 Look at the upper of the pond.  Answer: 6 Look at the left arm of the woman under the curtain. Answer: 7 Look at the back side of the elephant just over the bushes. Answer: 8 Look at the leaves just at the bottom of the picture.  Click here to watch more Logical Reasoning based questions Answer: 9 Look at the shadow of a palm tree and shadowless camels.  Answer: 10 Look at the picture closely.  Answer: 11 Three matchsticks are just behind the lighter and five are in reflections, so there are Eight matchsticks in total.  Click here to see a Unique River in the ...

Tense Chart - Translate into English

Tense Chart - English Grammar
1-Present indefinite Tense
I, we, they, you + 1st Verb + Object
He, She, It + V1st+s/es + Object

وہ روزانہ کالج جاتی ہے۔
1. She goes to college daily.
وہ روزانہ کالج نہیں جاتی۔
2. She does not go to college daily.
کیا وہ روزانہ کالج جاتی ہے؟
3. Does she go to college daily?
کیا وہ روزانہ کالج نہیں جاتی؟
4. Does she not go to college daily?
2-Present Continuous Tense
Subject + is/are/am + V1st+ing + Object

وہ اب کالج جا رہی ہے۔
5. She is going to college now.
وہ اب کالج نہیں جا رہی۔
6. She is not going to college now.
کیا وہ اب کالج جا رہی ہے؟
7. Is she not going to college now?
کیا وہ اب کالج نہیں جا رہی؟
8. Is she not going to college now?

3-Present Perfect Tense
Subject + has/have + V3rd + Object

وہ آج کالج گئی ہے۔
9. She has gone to college today.
.وہ آج کالج نہیں گئی
10. She has not gone to college today.
کیا وہ آج کالج گئی ہے؟
11. Has she gone to college today?
کیا وہ آج کالج نہیں گئی؟
12. Has she not gone to college today?

4-Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject + has/have + been + V1st+ing + Object
13. She has been studying Geogrphay since morning. 
وہ صبح سے جیوگرافی کا مطالعہ کر رہی یے۔ 
14. She has not been studying Geography since morning.
15. Has she been studying Geography since morning?
16. Has she not been studying Geography since morning?

5-Past Indefinite Tense
Subject + Verb-2nd + Object
17. He wrote many letters. 
18. he did not write many letters.
19. Did she write many letters? 
کیا اس نے کئی خط نہیں لکھے؟ 
20. Did she not write many letters?

6-Past Continuous Tense
Subject + was/were + V1st+ing + Object
21. She was watching a movie when I called her. 
22. She was not watching a movie when I called her.
23. Was she watching a movie when I called her? 
جب میں نے اسے فون کیا وہ فلم نہیں دیکھ رھی تھی؟۔
24. Was she not watching a movie when I called her?

7-Past Perfect Tense
Subject + had + V3rd + Object

میرے دیکھنے سے پہلے وہ فلم دیکھ چکی تھی۔
25. She had watched the movie before I watched it. 
26. She had not watched the movie before I watched it.
27. Had she watched the movie before I watched it?
28. Had she not watched the movie before I watched it?

8-Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject + had +been+ V1s+ing  + Object
وہ صبح سے فلم دیکھ رہی تھی۔
29. She had been studying the paper for two hours. 
30. She had not been studying the paper for two hours.
31. Had she been studying the paper for two hours?
32. Had she not been studying the paper for two hours?

9-Future Indefinite Tense
Subject + will/shall + V1st + Object

وہ پتنگیں اڑائے گا۔
33. He will fly the kites. 
34. He will not fly the kites.
35. He will fly the kites?
36. Will he not fly the kites?
10-Future Continuous Tense
Subject + shall/will + be+ V1st+ing + Object

وہ پھر کالج جا رہی ہو گی۔
37. She will be going to college then.
38. She will not be going to college.
39. Will she be going to college?
40. Will she be not going to college?

11- Future Perfect Tense
Subject + shall/will + have + V3rd + Object

میرے پڑھنے سے پہلے اس نے کتاب پڑھ لی ہوگی۔
41. She will have read the book before I read it.
42. She will have not read the book before I read it.
43. Will she have read the book before I read it?
44. Will she have not read the book before I read it?

12- Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Subject + shall/will + have + been + V3rd + Object

وہ مئی سے ایک ناول لکھ رہی ہوں گی۔
45. You will have been writing a novel since April. 
46. You will have not been writing a novel since April.
47. Will you have been writing a novel since April?
48. Will you have not been writing a novel since April? 

Translation into English - Tenses  

1. وہ روزانہ سیر کے لیے جاتی ہے۔ 

ANSWER= (B) She goes for a walk daily. 
Explanation: Present Indefinite Tense. 

2. بچے گلی میں کرکٹ کھیل رہے ہیں۔.

ANSWER= B) Children are playing cricket in the street.
Explanation: Present Continuous Tense

3. اس نے اس سال امتحان دیا ہے۔

ANSWER= C) He has taken the exam this year.
Explanation: Present Perfect Tense

4. وہ دو گھنٹے سے سبق سیکھ رہا ہے۔

ANSWER= D) He has been learning the lesson for two hours.
Explanation: Present Perfect Continous Tense

5. انہوں نے آج اپنی فیس ادا کر دی ہے۔

ANSWER= B) They have paid their fee today.
Explanation: Present Perfect Tense

6. تمام مہمان نیچے ہال میں جمع ہیں۔

ANSWER= B) All the guests have gathered in the hall down.
Explanation: Present Perfect Tense

7. تمام مہمان نیچے ہال میں جمع ہیں۔

ANSWER= D) Ali did not write to me any letter.
Explanation: Past Indefinite Tense

8. وہ دو ہفتوں سے اپنے نتائج کا انتظار کر رہے ہیں۔

ANSWER= C) They are waiting for their results for two weeks.
Explanation: Present Perfect Continuous Tense

9. ان کے آنے سے پہلے ہم ہال میں پہنچ چکے تھے۔

ANSWER= B) We had reached the hall before they arrived.
Explanation: Past Perfect with Past Indefinite Tense

10. میں نے کبھی کسی کو طوفان سے اتنا خوفزدہ نہیں دیکھا۔

ANSWER= B) I never saw anybody so afraid of a storm.
Explanation: Past Indefinite Tense



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