Answers to Brain Teasers- Increase your IQ Day by Day

ANSWERS TO BRAIN TEASERS Try to solve these Optical Illusions, Puzzles, and Brain teasers to increase your IQ level. It will help you to solve the Quizzes for any Competitive Exams. Prof. Masood Sadiq Answer: 1 Eight total holes in the vest. Answer: 2 Only 3 can reverse to clear traffic.  Answer: 3 The word 'SPOT' is written twice in the pic Answer: 4 Look at the open holes toward F  Answer: 5 Look at the upper of the pond.  Answer: 6 Look at the left arm of the woman under the curtain. Answer: 7 Look at the back side of the elephant just over the bushes. Answer: 8 Look at the leaves just at the bottom of the picture.  Click here to watch more Logical Reasoning based questions Answer: 9 Look at the shadow of a palm tree and shadowless camels.  Answer: 10 Look at the picture closely.  Answer: 11 Three matchsticks are just behind the lighter and five are in reflections, so there are Eight matchsticks in total.  Click here to see a Unique River in the ...

Choose the correct option- Ditransitive Verb- in Learn English Grammar

How to use Ditransitive in English Grammar

1. Monotransitive
In English communication, the Main verb needs a Subject and an Object to make a sensible sentence. For instance
1. I like books.
2. She reads novels.
3. They buy chocolates.

In these sentences, I, She, and They are the Subjects of the main verb, and 'books', 'novels;, and 'chocolates' are the objects of the main verb. There is only one object and this object is called 'a direct object', and the verbs, like, read, and buy are called 'Monotransitive' 
2. Ditransitive Verb
Now, add another object in the third sentence, such as
4. They bought me a book.
5. She lent me some clothes.
6. I teach them English.
In these sentences, there are two objects of the main verb: 'me', 'him, and 'them' are indirect objects and 'a book', 'some clothes' and 'English' are direct objects.

These sentences can be written with an addition of a preposition, 'to' such as: 
4. They bought a book for me.
5. She lent some clothes to me.
6. I teach English to them.

3. Complex Transitive 
There is another verb that takes a complement. This can be a noun, a noun phrase, an adjective, or an adjective phrase. 

For instance:
7. They painted their house yellow. (a noun)
8. We named our child Sara. (a noun)
9. They rated John a worthy novelist. (a noun phrase)
10. The Jury declared the culprit innocent. (an adj phrase)
11. A penal judged Maria entirely blameless. (adj phrase) 
In these sentences, the verbs, 'painted', 'named', 'rated, 'declared', and 'judged' are Complex Transitive 

4. Reflexive Transitive 
A Reflexive Transitive is an action verb and it is next to the reflexive pronoun. 
These pronouns are related to Subjective Pronouns. Actually, the action reflects back to the subject of the main verb. For instance:
12. He massaged himself all over his chest.
13. She introduced herself to the class. 

Let's have a bubble worksheet to learn these three types of verbs:

1. The children make a noise. 'make' is a  

ANSWER= (A) Monotransitive
Explanation: The children make a noise. 

2. You gave me some money. ' gave' is a

ANSWER= (B) Ditransitive 
Explanation: You gave me some money. 

3. He gave her a ring of gold. ' her' is an

ANSWER= (C) Indirect object 
Explanation: 'a ring of gold' is direct and 'her' is an indirect object. 

5. All dogs like swimming. 'like' is a    

ANSWER= (C) diatransitive
Explanation: 'swimming' is a direct object of the main verb, 'ditransitive'  

6. She made us fools.  

ANSWER= (B) complex transitive
Explanation: She made the pizza with some cheese

7.  He earned some dollars. 

ANSWER= (B) monotransitive
Explanation: 'some dollars' are a direct object. 

8. They earned me some money. 'earned'  

ANSWER= (C) complex transitive
Explanation: There are two objects: 'me' is indirect and  'some money' is a direct object.

Click here to watch the video on Diatransitive Verb

9. She made tea. 'made' is a  

ANSWER= (D) monotransitive
Explanation:  'tea' is a direct object here.  

Click here to learn and attempt a Test of 'since and for'

10.  They declared Maria the best novelist. 'declared' is

ANSWER= (B)  complex transitive
Explanation: 'the best novelest' is a noun phrase, and the complement of the verb. 


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