Answers to Brain Teasers- Increase your IQ Day by Day

ANSWERS TO BRAIN TEASERS Try to solve these Optical Illusions, Puzzles, and Brain teasers to increase your IQ level. It will help you to solve the Quizzes for any Competitive Exams. Prof. Masood Sadiq Answer: 1 Eight total holes in the vest. Answer: 2 Only 3 can reverse to clear traffic.  Answer: 3 The word 'SPOT' is written twice in the pic Answer: 4 Look at the open holes toward F  Answer: 5 Look at the upper of the pond.  Answer: 6 Look at the left arm of the woman under the curtain. Answer: 7 Look at the back side of the elephant just over the bushes. Answer: 8 Look at the leaves just at the bottom of the picture.  Click here to watch more Logical Reasoning based questions Answer: 9 Look at the shadow of a palm tree and shadowless camels.  Answer: 10 Look at the picture closely.  Answer: 11 Three matchsticks are just behind the lighter and five are in reflections, so there are Eight matchsticks in total.  Click here to see a Unique River in the world in New Zealand Answe

Analogy-Choose the correct option - in English Grammar

Choose the correct option -Analogy - in English Grammar 

1. If ASTN: ZTSO : : MSUB : ?   

Explanation: The first and third letters of the first group are each moved one step backwards while the second and fourth letters are each moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the second group. 

2. KMF: LLH: : RMS: ____

Explanation: The first and third letters of the first group are respectively moved one and two steps forward while the second letter is moved one step backwards to obtain the corresponding letters of the second group. 


Explanation: The first three letters and the last three letters of the first group are separately reversed in order to obtain the second group.  


Explanation: Each letter of the first group steps backwards from the corresponding letter of the second group. 


Explanation: The first, second and fourth letters of the second group are respectively the third, fourth, second and first letters of the first group.  

7.  South is related to North-West in the same way as West is related to ____. 

ANSWER= (D) North-East
Explanation: If North-wet direct is 135 degrees clockwise to the south direction. Similarly, North East direct is 135 degrees clockwise to the west direction. 

8. Moon : Satellite:: Earth:? 

ANSWER= (B) Planet
Explanation: Moon is a satellite and Earth is a Planet. 

9. Doctor: Nurse : : ____ : Follower  

ANSWER= (B) Leader 
Explanation: A Nurse is subordinate to a Doctor and a Follower is subordinate to a Leader.

Click here to choose the correct option -Verb 

10.  Fear:Threat: : Anger: ____  

ANSWER= (C) Provocation 
Explanation: The First arises from the second. 

11.  Flower : Bud : : Plant : ?    

ANSWER= (C) Seed 
Explanation: Bud grows into a flower and a seed develops into a plant. 

12. Honey is related to Wax in the same way as Milk is related to ____ 

ANSWER= (C) Leather
Explanation: Bee-hive of the honeybee is related to Wax in the same way Cow gives milk and related to Leather. 

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13.  I Orthopedist is related to Bones in the same way as Chiropodist is related to ____ 

ANSWER= (C) Feet 
Explanation: A Bone specialist is called Orthopedist and Chiropodist is a specialist in Feet. 

14. If you put your feet in the fire, you ____. 

ANSWER= (B) get burns
Explanation: If you put your feet in the fire, you get burnt.

15. If you don't water the plants, they ____. 

ANSWER= (D) die
Explanation: If you don't water the plants, they die.

16. A Street is related to Lane in the same way Road is related to ____.   

ANSWER= (D) Avenue 
Explanation:  A street is a part of a lane as an avenue is a part of a road. 

17. As Fever is related to Cold and in the same Fear is related to _____    

ANSWER= (B) Threat 
Explanation: If one gets cold, fever is expected same if one gets threat fear is expected. 

Click here to learn the SIX BASIC RULES of Verb Correction

18. Pilot : Aeroplane:: Bus driver: ____. 

ANSWER= (B) Bus 
Explanation: A Pilot is the driver of Aeroplane and a bus driver is the driver of a bus

19. Course of Action: There is a spread of coronavirus in the whole city. 

I- All the markets should be locked down.
II- All the schools should immediately be closed.

ANSWER= (C) Both I and II follow 
Explanation: Both actions will prevent the cause of spreading the pandemic coronavirus.

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20. Sara wants to go abroad. The Intrrogtive sentence is. 

Explanation: Does Sara not want to go abroad? 

21. Key : Lock : : ___ : Burner 

ANSWER= (B) Match stick 
Explanation: As a key is to open the lock as a match-stick is to blow the burner.

22. ___ : do :: she : does 

ANSWER= (B) you 
Explanation: 'Do' is used with 'You' (second person) as 'does' is used with (third-person singular) he, she, it and singular name

23. Sight : Vision :: Seem : ____  

ANSWER= (D) appearance 
Explanation: Sight is related to vision and seem is related to appearance

24. Anyway: Nevertheless :: Acceptable: ____    

ANSWER= (A) All right 
Explanation: 'All right' is a synonym for acceptable as 'nevertheless' is a synonym of 'anyway'  

25. Put off: Postpone :: Set up : ____   

ANSWER= (B)  Establish 
Explanation: Phrasal Verb of 'establish' is 'set up' 

26. success: hard work:: goal: ____ 

ANSWER= (C) struggle
Explanation: Success is achieved by hard work and a goal is achieved with a struggle. 

27. If Life: Death:: ____: Nedir. 

ANSWER= (C) Zenith 
Explanation: As 'Zenith' is the antonym of 'Nedir' as 'Life' is the antonym of 'Death'

28. What is the synonym of 'implacable'

ANSWER= A) Unyielding, adamant, dogged, headstrong, inflexible, stubborn, etc.

29. What is the synonym of 'Embarrassment'

ANSWER= A) upset, worried, confused etc.

Click here to attempt Bubbles worksheet of Adverbs

30. What is the antonym for 'Aggitate'

ANSWER= (B) calm, sedate, cool, satisfied, controlled etc.


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